Wednesday, October 18, 2017



by Elyssa Durant,
May 21st 2008
Background / Introduction:
Shortly after I moved back to New York City to complete my graduate degree, I lost all of my personal, physical belongings in a household fire. What wasn’t destroyed was stolen shortly afterwards and I have very few things I created in along the way.
And though the memories surrounding this devastating loss are crystal clear in my head, my journals and my artwork are gone forever. Losing my journals, my books, my photo albums, and all of my school work was even worse than losing my home. I lost a piece of myself in the process. A piece that can never be replaced… If only I had the foresight to back up all of my work– scan in my photos, or find a safe deposit box I could afford, perhaps I could have finished my assignments on time and completed the last few credits necessary for my PhD.
I became obsessed with backing up data and making photocopies of any and every piece of my past I could find — just in case!
I was eventually diagnosed with OCD and a myriad of other related anxiety disorders. 
I wrote this letter to my therapist who helped me get through the most challenging time of my life. Not only did he belierve in my talent– he convinced to me to start writing again– even if my skills are a little rusty!
Thanks Dr. T!
“Hi Elyssa,
It’s nice to hear from you, I had just been thinking of you. Is there a reason why you sent me two copies?
Talk to you soon,”
Now how can you call yourself a qualified therapist and ask me such a stupid question?
I have at two of everything!

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Elyssa D. Durant, Ed.M.