A little bit of everything... from my favorite word to my favorite website. There's something in there for pretty much every mood-- songs to make you cry, videos to make you laugh. Political ads that make you sick and some that will give you chills-- but best of all there are those that give you the courage to say whatever is on your mind... SAY IT LOUD, SAY IT PROUD. I will not be ignored and I will not be forgotten, because that was SO yesterday! 11/20/2007 Thanks For Giving! © 2007-2013
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Dungeons & Dragons: Who's 'WHO' Guide to the Illuminati Elite
My dad used to sing this to me when I was a little girl...
Thank you, daddy-- for making me stronger than I ever believed I could be...
Two years ago, I had never even heard of the New World Order, Illuminati Elite.
I lived a simple, silent, and honest life, yet still managed to pass as "normal" until I wast cast aside, shunned, humiliated and brutalized by friends, neighbors and police who knew nothing of the secret society simply referred to as "The Company"
Apparently, I have something they want-- dead or alive they don't just want my secrets or my silence, they want my genetic code.
But in a perfect world-- i would find out that the reason my father has gone to extreme measures to distance himself from my life and my reality to keep me safe from the heavy hand of his corrupt colleagues in the world of the elite CIA and Illuminati.
I'm in deep. Much deeper than I could possibly have seen until it became so obvious that I can't believe I even tried to write off recent events and "coincidences" as bad choices or random acts of violence and systemic corruption.
I am ready to take my place in the world. I am ready to become the "man" I need to be so that I can protect my loved ones from being targeted as well.
I have always been a vocal advocate for the weak and underprivileged, but I have never been more determined to watch the elite fall from grace as they have watched one of "their own" brought to their knees.
I speak not only for myself, I speak for a few other people who have had their lives completely and totally destroyed and torn apart by the wolves that simply don't see the full picture.
RB: this one's for you... you have nothing to fear, but I'm pretty sure you already know that. It is the rest of these sorry fuckers that needs to worry, because paybacks are a bitch.
My father once told a colleague that I may be the only person who is as smart or smarter than he is, and if that is true, I would do the same to my own children if I had them.
Thank you, daddy-- for making me stronger than I ever believed I could be...
Take no prisoners, hold no hostages...
My dad used to sing this to me when I was a little girl...
Thank you, daddy-- for making me stronger than I ever believed I could be...
Two years ago, I had never even heard of the New World Order, Illuminati Elite.
I lived a simple, silent, and honest life, yet still managed to pass as "normal" until I wast cast aside, shunned, humiliated and brutalized by friends, neighbors and police who knew nothing of the secret society simply referred to as "The Company"
Apparently, I have something they want-- dead or alive they don't just want my secrets or my silence, they want my genetic code.
But in a perfect world-- i would find out that the reason my father has gone to extreme measures to distance himself from my life and my reality to keep me safe from the heavy hand of his corrupt colleagues in the world of the elite CIA and Illuminati.
I'm in deep. Much deeper than I could possibly have seen until it became so obvious that I can't believe I even tried to write off recent events and "coincidences" as bad choices or random acts of violence and systemic corruption.
I am ready to take my place in the world. I am ready to become the "man" I need to be so that I can protect my loved ones from being targeted as well.
I have always been a vocal advocate for the weak and underprivileged, but I have never been more determined to watch the elite fall from grace as they have watched one of "their own" brought to their knees.
I speak not only for myself, I speak for a few other people who have had their lives completely and totally destroyed and torn apart by the wolves that simply don't see the full picture.
RB: this one's for you... you have nothing to fear, but I'm pretty sure you already know that. It is the rest of these sorry fuckers that needs to worry, because paybacks are a bitch.
My father once told a colleague that I may be the only person who is as smart or smarter than he is, and if that is true, I would do the same to my own children if I had them.
Thank you, daddy-- for making me stronger than I ever believed I could be...
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Elyssa Durant,
Monday, February 7, 2011
I'm going to say this with a bit of caution and a bit of pride-- I had an "interesting week" to say the least-- i have had a crash course in #ILLUMINATI #NWO #ZIONISM #BlackOps #PsyOps and #Mossad-- they are gone now [sorta] but while this was happening a DEAD BODY was found next door.
Also, a "missing" flyer was posted stating that I was missing.
Let me assure you, I am neither dead nor missing-- and unless you hear it from ME - don't let town criers throw #FalseFlags.
Furthermore, these people mean business. I have never been more sure of that than I am right now. And they are all over Twitter AND FaceBook. I asked Michael to remove someone from this group beuause he was creating a distraction and false flags on twitter, Michael complied, and for that I am grateful.
My bloodline-- Illuminati or not-- is almost irrelevant here-- but what I can tell you-- WHAT YOU MUST KNOW-- is that I have aspergers syndrome. My body language may seem a little off-- my voice may be a little too loud-- BUT during the Nazi Mind Control experiments what they learned is that even when "doctors" induced trauma they COULD NOT MIND CONTROL [eg #Monarch programmming / #MKULTRA] people with #autism or #aspergers. These people will be back-- of that I am certain-- and I do hope you will bring your concerns to me directly rather than believe everything you read. My writing is consistent-- my message is clear.
Can I get 10-4 / OVER from anybody?
I AM NOT MIND CONTROLLED -- and I will not steer you wrong -- unless you deserve it ;-)
Just me,
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