Dupport One way to show your support every day for health care is with our new, snazzy Health Care for America Now t-shirt. We will send you one when you donate $10 or more to support this campaign.
Click here to get yours, and then tell all of your friends.
If we build a movement and demand reform in the streets, in our homes, at work, and where we worship; if we say it loud enough and clear enough that we will not rest until every man, woman, and child in this country has health care they can count on; we will win.
Your donation will support Health Care for America Now as we build that movement together - not in Washington, DC but out in your state and around the country.
The opposition is already spending millions to protect the insurance industry's profits and defeat health care reform.1 With your help, we can show Washington that the American people demand change. Click here to donate and get your t-shirt.
After you get your shirt, take a picture of yourself wearing it and upload it to our website here. We'll feature you in the photo slideshow on our homepage to show your support!
1. New York Times: Health Care Critic Brings a Past and a Wallet - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/02/us/politics/02scott.html
A little bit of everything... from my favorite word to my favorite website. There's something in there for pretty much every mood-- songs to make you cry, videos to make you laugh. Political ads that make you sick and some that will give you chills-- but best of all there are those that give you the courage to say whatever is on your mind... SAY IT LOUD, SAY IT PROUD. I will not be ignored and I will not be forgotten, because that was SO yesterday! 11/20/2007 Thanks For Giving! © 2007-2013
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Elyssa D. Durant, Ed.M.