Are search engines supplanting our memory?
by Joab Jackso, m.infoworld.comJuly 15th 2011
Researchers say search-engine users feel less need to remember things they can easily look up
Ubiquitous availability of the Internet may be causing a shift in how much information we retain in our memories, researchers claim.Because search engines such as Google and Bing are so readily at hand, through desktop computers and mobile phones, we feel less need to remember details that can be easily looked up, note researchers from Columbia University, the University of Wisconsin, and Harvard University.
They have published their study, entitled "Google Effects on Memory: Cognitive Consequences of Having Information at Our Fingertips," in this week's edition of the journal Science.
"People worry about what our relationship to technology is doing to our cognition," said Betty Sparrow, a researcher at Columbia University who led the research. "They worry about looking up everything online and not remembering it all."
This is where @ElyssaD™ is different from the "cloud crowd"
You see, I expect all of my words to be forgotten, ignored or deleted no matter how loud I scream or how fast I type. After 38 years people still pretend to forget who I am and all I have accomplished in this god forsaken city.
We all know why. Because like Cathy O, they know exactly who I am and what I have witnessed. Except I am not a survivor of Project Monarch so I don't have A kill switch, a handler, or a predictable "Code Green" response.
Mind Control Code Green Programming
"They" don't know how to "control" my true self. I'm in the hangman position but I think I finally know a place where survivors of Mengele and the EloHim can go for refuge.
Only one person probably knows where that is. And I suspect he would like to know that despite his efforts to shut me up, I will instead find a nice cold bottle of Russian Wodka.
Russian Blue, baby! It's in the Genes. And it is in my best interests to seek refuge until the real world figures out that I am not just crazy, delusional or weird. I am a woman with a purpose and a mission.
I am trying to step out of the line of fire. Help me find my way Home.
E.D. pHoning Home ELite EloHim
You can thank me by donating to that little paypal account since I don't have enough money to get to place I need to be. Any amount will do. $5 x 6000 = $30,000If each follower in my twitter stream were to donate $10.00 that would be enough for me to live for at least two years in safety and refuge from this storm.
The real war hasn't started yet, and the Masters of this universe are going to need my notes even if I don't make it past go. Please help me find my way home.I deserve at least that much... don't you think?
Whether you love to hate me or hate to love me, the one thing I do is make people FEEL.
That's gotta be worth something. Please support @ElyssaD™
Thank you,
Just me,
Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.
United States of America
Forgive typos! iBLAME iPhone
Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.
Nashville, Tennessee
"You may not care how much I know, but you don't know how much I care."
©©©©©©©©©©© 2011 ©©©©©©©©©©©©
To probe the effects of this behavior, the researchers carried out a battery of tests with undergraduate students that closely observed what information they committed to memory and what information they didn't bother remembering, presuming that they could look it up on a computer should they need to refer to it later.
In one test, 28 participants were asked to read and retype items of memorable trivia, such as "Greenland is the world's largest island by area." Some of the participants were told the information that they typed in would be erased and others were told it would be saved on a computer. Then, they were quizzed on the material they retyped. Those that believed their material would be erased remembered more of the information than those who had assumed the material would be saved.
"Thus it appears that believing that one won't have access to the information in the future enhances memory for the information itself," the paper stated. In other words, if someone knows that information may be found on the Internet, he or she may be less likely to commit that information to memory.
Another experiment was conduct to determine if people prefer to memorize the locations of where they could find data in favor of remembering the data itself. Here, 32 participants were presented with a number of statements, along with the names of folders in which these bits of information would be saved. Then, they were asked to recall as much of the information as possible and were then quizzed on which folder each piece of information was in.
Overall, participants were better able to recall which folder each bit of information was stored in than the information itself.
Such results shouldn't alarm people, Sparrow cautioned. "I don't think that the parts of our brain that can remember information are atrophied," she said. While the Internet is fairly new, the act of relying on external resources for memory is not new for humans. People have long relied on friends, co-workers and family to keep track of information that they themselves have forgotten. The researchers call this phenomena "transactive memory."
"We've always done this sort of thing, allowed certain types of information to be stored with other people," Sparrow said. "Computers and access to online information work in similar ways."
Sparrow may next investigate if people memorize different kinds of things now that search engines are capturing all the details of what they used to memorize. Freed from the burden of remembering specifics, people could possibly better understand the larger meaning of the material they learn.
"Will people who don't focus so much on remembering who, what and where be better at answering conceptual type of questions?" she said.
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This is where @ElyssaD™ is different from the "cloud crowd"
You see, I expect all of my words to be forgotten, ignored or deleted no matter how loud I scream or how fast I type. After 38 years people still pretend to forget who I am and all I have accomplished in this god forsaken city.
We all know why. Because like Cathy O, they know exactly who I am and what I have witnessed. Except I am not a survivor of Project Monarch so I don't have A kill switch, a handler, or a predictable "Code Green" response. Code Green Mind Control Programming
They don't know how to "control" my true self. I'm in the hangman position but I think I finally know a place where survivors of Mengele and the EloHim can go for refuge.
Only one person probably knows where that is. And I suspect he would like to know that despite his efforts to shut me up, I will instead find a nice cold bottle of Russian Wodka.
Russian Blue, baby!
It's in the Genes. And it is in my best interests to seek refuge until the real world figures out that I am not crazy, delusional or weird. I am simply in the hangman position
The Illuminati is programming such vast numbers of children, they need everyone of their able members to help. Moriah’s total membership worldwide numbers in the millions. The Illuminati regimen for their children is far more controlling than the CIA’s programming. Not everyone in the Illuminati gets their mind-split and becomes a programmed multiple. However, everyone does get some type of mind-control.Those who have been spared multiplicity still must participate in a two-week intense mind-control session that might be compared to the Army’s Ranger school. Those who participate in this have learned obedience. Those who haven’t learned obedience, are forced into ritual gladiator type duels or other punishments to eliminate them.Finally, a traitor’s death as pictured on one of the Tarot cards is waiting. Sharon Tate was left hanging in the No. 12 Tarot Card’s “hangman position” from the house rafters.I am trying to step out of the line of fire. You can thank me by donating to that little paypal account since I don't have enough money to get to place I need to be. Any amount will do. $5 x 6000 = $30,000If each follower donated $10.00 that would be enough for me to live for at least two years in safety and refuge from this storm.
The real war hasn't started yet, and the Masters of this Universe are going to need my notes even if I don't make it past go.I deserve it. Whether you love to hate me or hate to love me, the one thing I do is make people FEEL.
That's gotta be worth something. Please support @ElyssaD™
Thank you,
Just me,
Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.
Nashville, Tennessee
"You may not care how much I know, but you don't know how much I care."